Bride's House

Yeeng Peh

Some best men are more equal than others - such as Yeeng. He and Jackie have been friends since high school and has saved his hide on more occasions than J can recount.

Yeeng is the nicest guy you'd hope to meet and even cooks and do house work! Also known for his intelligence and thoughtfulness, he is the thinking women's Jude Law :)

Yeeng Peh
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·r¯ù - Nanna ·r¯ù - Grace's Dad ·r¯ù - Grace's Mum ·r¯ù - Grace's «´·Ý, «´®Q ·r¯ù - Matthew Mum, Dad and Grace Parents &amp; God Parents (Almost) The Entire Bridal Party One and a half sons The Sparklelicious Fab Five Yeeng Peh Derek Matthew Steve Presenting the groom - Jackie