Bride's House


Derek flew in from Hong Kong for the wedding. Jackie, Derek and John Lau (who unfortunately is unable to make it to Sydney) went to primary school together and they have been super friends since.

Derek has an uncanny ability to 'tum' (charm) girls so all you ladies beware! Or maybe not? Because underneath his playful exterior he is most genuine and dependable.

He is also a dead-ringer for §dÂí¦t when he pulls his 'intense' face.

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·r¯ù - Nanna ·r¯ù - Grace's Dad ·r¯ù - Grace's Mum ·r¯ù - Grace's «´·Ý, «´®Q ·r¯ù - Matthew Mum, Dad and Grace Parents &amp; God Parents (Almost) The Entire Bridal Party One and a half sons The Sparklelicious Fab Five Yeeng Peh Derek Matthew Steve Presenting the groom - Jackie