Bride's House

·r¯ù - Matthew

Rather than kneeling and giving tea, the couple instead stands and 'knock cups' with those who are on the same or lower ½ú¥÷ as them, as seen here with Matthew, Grace's younger brother.

What is not captured in this picture is how Matthew manages to memorise and recite all the right wishes - in Chinese no less!

·r¯ù - Matthew
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·r¯ù - Nanna ·r¯ù - Grace's Dad ·r¯ù - Grace's Mum ·r¯ù - Grace's «´·Ý, «´®Q ·r¯ù - Matthew Mum, Dad and Grace Parents &amp; God Parents (Almost) The Entire Bridal Party One and a half sons The Sparklelicious Fab Five Yeeng Peh Derek Matthew Steve Presenting the groom - Jackie